Events Held at the BRI
June 13, 2019. Transboundary Diseases of Importance to U.S. Agriculture and Animal Health Mini-Symposium
The Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI) and the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD) co-hosted a mini-symposium offered in conjunction with a U.S. Department of Homeland Security funded two-week training program developed by CEEZAD in cooperation with BRI. Ten graduate and DVM students from around the nation who have demonstrated career interest in transboundary and zoonotic animal diseases of animals were selected to attend this hands-on educational experience.
May 20-24, 2019. Plant Biosecurity in Theory and Practice Course
Twenty-five students from eight different countries (Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Israel, New Zealand, Thailand, Ukraine, and the United States) worked in teams to develop effective biosecurity plans for an assigned nation, a plant commodity, and hostile bio-agent. Case studies and hands-on biocontainment laboratory experiences were used in the study of plant biosecurity concepts, diagnostics, and strategies in support of plant biosecurity.